You can connect your computer to your robot in two ways:
- You can set it up in 'WiFi' mode to connect to an existing WiFi network.
- You can also set it up in 'Access point' mode so that it broadcasts its own WiFi signal and then you can connect your computer to the robot's WiFi.
Most users will probably want to connect it in 'WiFi' mode if they have an existing network. This is the most flexible as you'll still be able to access the internet on your computer so you can access Invent! resources like the online programming system and the tutorials.
However, in environments without internet access, the 'Access point' mode might be useful. We've designed the programming system to also work offline and we've also got offline versions of the tutorials that can be downloaded onto individual user's computers.
Actually, there's a third way you can connect your robot using the USB cable that you would normally use for charging the robot, but we don't recommend this as having a robot that's connected with a short cable makes it a bit tricky to move very far!